

The Healing Church

The Healing Church

The local religion in Yharnam is known for giving birth to prejudice. The church is located in the Cathedral District in Central Yharnam, separated from the rest of the city by a cliff and only accessible by bridges.

The Yharnam Church seems to wield authority in Yharnam, to the point where they control the treatment of the Scourge of the Beast. It is unknown if this task simply overwhelmed them, or if the Church is more intimately connected with the Scourge, but either way the treatment of the disease appears to have been unsuccessful. The Cleric Beast, rumored to be clergy who have fallen to the Scourge, indicates that not even the church is immune to the affects of the Scourge. A more cynical mind might even believe that the Cleric Beast was an intended creation by the Church.

When someone in Yharnam does fall to the Scourge, the Church sends forth one of their horrifying Church Giants, a towering and almost impossibly lean creature with pallid skin and a vacant expression. The citizens of Yharnam know to hide when this creature approaches, given warning by the bell they wear around their necks, lest they face the wrath of the Church Giant’s axe.

It is also by decree the church that the nearby forest was made forbidden to enter. They may have also been the driving force behind running the inhabitants of the Forbidden Forest out of Yharnam.