

Yharnam - Overview


Yharnam is an ancient city set deep within the farthest reaches of the eastern mountains, known for its medical knowledge. The city is built atop underground ruins even older than the ancient city. These ruins are said to be a crypt for something not human. People make pilgrimages to this remote city in the mountains in hopes of finding a cure for their illnesses from the renowned medical association in Central Yharnam's Cathedral District. Even more treacherous than the journey to Yharnam is the Scourge of the Beast that runs rampant in Yharnam. This disease has already claimed the valley of Yharnam, called Oldtown, and it was burned to the ground as the disease overran the area. The Hemwick Graveyard is filling fast, and there are rumors of an eyeball collecting witch residing within the graveyard’s depths.

The outskirts of Yharnam only provide more mystery. The Forbidden Forest, named for the church’s decree that the citizens of Yharnam may not journey there, exists a town of people who were run out of Yharnam for unknown reasons, as well as the nesting grounds of a giant venomous snake. Out past the hills beyond Yharnam is the Cainhurst Castle, a long abandoned place once home to a family of nobles that disappeared suddenly. 

This is only the edge of the abyss, dear Hunter. Prepare to take the plunge and begin the nightly hunt March 24th. In the meantime, browse the other sections of this site to learn everything we know so far. 

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